
Showing posts from July, 2022

'A lot of history': Old Marina Restaurant in Puslinch, Ont. considered total loss after fire - CTV News Kitchener

The Old Marina Restaurant is considered a total loss after a devastating fire ripped through the building just outside Cambridge, Ont. on Saturday. This is the second destructive fire at the restaurant on the shores of Puslinch Lake since it opened in the early 1990s. Firefighters got the call early Saturday afternoon. Cambridge Fire was the first on scene and was later joined by at least five other local fire departments. ”Cambridge crews arrived on scene to find heavy smoke and heat in the building,” Puslinch Fire Department Chief Tom Mulvey said. “They made an attempt to enter the building and they could not at that time. [The] incident commander from Cambridge had his crews move out and do what they call a defensive attack by putting water on the fire from the outside.” The Old Marina Restaurant on Puslinch Lake on fire. (Terry Kelly/CTV Kitchener) (July 30, 2022) Mulvey said the fire is believed to have started in the basement. “Of course we haven’t been able to get in to

Chaleur: «Fort danger» d'incendies dans le sud et températures en hausse partout en France - 20 Minutes

Il faut s’attendre de nouveau à des coups de chaud en France. Météo-France avertit sur le risque d’un « très fort danger d’incendies » en zone méditerranéenne dimanche, à cause des vents et de températures élevées qui monteront partout en France, allant jusqu’à 37° dans le Sud-Est. Le « très fort danger d’incendies en zone méditerranéenne (Occitanie, Provence et Corse) », est lié au régime de vents (mistral et tramontane) « assez forts » et aux « conditions restant très chaudes et sèches sur une végétation de plus en plus sensible », précise Météo-France dans son bulletin. « Une nouvelle vague de chaleur se met en place » Le mercure atteindra dimanche 30 à 37 degrés dans le Sud-Est, jusqu’à 34 à 35 degrés en Occitanie, selon Météo-France. Sur le littoral de la Manche, les maximales seront comprises entre 20 et 26 degrés. Les températures devraient continuer de monter lundi dans le Sud-Est, jusqu’à 39°. « Une nouvelle vague de chaleur se met en place sur la France avec des tempéra

After Raghuram Rajan's comment on India's economy, BJP reacts: 'Even critics…' - Hindustan Times

Addressing an event in Raipur on Saturday, Raghuram Rajan said India has adequate forex reserves and its foreign debt is also relatively low. Follow Us Read this news in brief form A day after former Reserve Bank of India (RBI) governor Raghuram Rajan said India is not facing any economic crisis like Sri Lanka and Pakistan, the BJP on Sunday said decisions taken by the Narendra Modi government to handle the economy have turned out to be correct, with even its critics acknowledging that. Rajan has often in the past raised concerns about the government's economic and social policies. "The world has acknowledged that the Indian economy is not only on track but is also running at a fast pace. While the world is battling inflation and other headwinds, the Indian economy is strong," BJP spokesperson Syed Zafar Islam said. "Those who used to criticise us have changed that into appreciation," he said. Addressing an event in Raipur on Saturday, Rajan said In

Marseille : un boa constricteur aperçu au parc Pastré (8e), les équipes de la Ville mobilisées - La Provence

Si vous souffrez d'ophiophobie (peur des serpents), passez votre chemin. Car la ville de Marseille vient d'annoncer qu'un boa constricteur a été repéré dans le deuxième bassin du parc Pastré. Pas de panique pour autant, les équipes de la Ville sont sur place et quadrillent le terrain à la recherche de l'animal. Si vous êtes dans le secteur, la plus grande prudence est conseillée. Le boa constricteur est un animal carnivore qui se nourrit de petits animaux vivants type rongeurs. Sa taille varie entre 1m50 et 3m50 pour un poids moyen de 6 à 16 kilos.    Read the full article here

Covid-19 : regrets, futur du virus… Les dernières confidences de Jean-François Delfraissy - Midi Libre

Le Conseil scientifique connaît sa dernière journée en tant qu'instance de conseil du gouvernement ce dimanche 31 juillet. Pour l'occasion, Jean-François Delfraissy, son président, se livre dans une longue interview accordée au Parisien.  C'est l'organe qui chuchotait à l'oreille de l'Executif pendant la crise du Covid-19 en France. Le Conseil scientifique ne sera plus ce lundi 1 er août, tout comme l'urgence sanitaire. Le Conseil avait été mis en place le 10 mars 2020 pour conseiller les membres du gouvernement sur les décisions à prendre pour limiter la propagation du virus et ses impacts sur le système de santé. Un manque d'humanité Le Président du Conseil livre ses confidences dans une longue interview accordée à nos confrères du Parisien . Il évoque ses regrets sur la gestion de la crise et notamment le manque d'humanité dans l'approche première face au virus. "En juin 2020, lors du déconfinement dans les Ehpad, on a mis la santé av

One VPD officer, one suspect injured following police-involved shooting | News - Daily Hive

Following reports of a major incident in the Downtown Eastside on Saturday, July 30, Vancouver Police have confirmed that one VPD officer and one suspect have been hospitalized following a police-involved shooting. After an officer was “allegedly attacked with a weapon while on patrol near the Hastings Street tent city,” Vancouver Police shot and injured a man in the DTES. “Two officers were sitting in their patrol car near East Hastings and Columbia Street at about 8 am this morning when a man carrying a weapon approached the police car and struck an officer through an open window,” Constable Tania Vistin said in a release. A VPD officer fired shots during the altercation. The officer sustained a “serious head injury” and was brought to the hospital. A 53-year-old suspect was injured and brought to the hospital, where is in custody for assaulting the officer. Following the incident, another VPD officer was assaulted by a bystander after arriving to help following the police-invol

Sobriété énergétique : est-ce vraiment utile d'éteindre la lumière ? - franceinfo

Il a sonné la "mobilisation générale" pour la "chasse au gaspillage énergétique" . Lors de  son interview du 14-Juillet , Emmanuel Macron a annoncé un "plan de sobriété" . Objectif : faire en sorte que la France puisse traverser l'hiver sans coupure d'électricité alors que les pays de l'Union européenne se sont accordés mardi pour réduire de 15% leur consommation de gaz – et donc leur dépendance à la Russie – en pleine guerre en Ukraine. "On va d'abord essayer de faire attention collectivement, le soir, aux éclairages, quand ils sont inutiles" , a expliqué le président de la République. Les lumières nocturnes des bureaux et des commerces ou les écrans publicitaires numériques dans les gares sont souvent évoqués lorsqu'il s'agit de traquer les sources de consommation électrique superflues. Mais que représentent-elles réellement dans la consommation du pays ? Franceinfo tente d'éclairer la situation. Un levier symboli

Chassé-croisé des vacances : pic de 869 km de bouchons à 11h30, plus de 400 km cet après-midi - Le Parisien

Comme attendu, la circulation a été « extrêmement difficile » ce samedi. Bison futé , l’organisme interministériel en charge du suivi de la circulation, avait classé la journée en niveau noir dans le sens des départs, soit la catégorie la plus élevée, en termes de formation de bouchons. Pour les retours, la couleur était rouge, soit « très difficile ». Le total des ralentissements en France ce samedi matin a dépassé les 800 km un peu après 11 heures. Il a atteint un pic à 11h30 : annoncé dans un premier temps à 872,7 km précisément, il a été corrigé par la suite à 868,9 km. À midi, il restait encore 841 km de bouchons. La semaine dernière, 788,6 km de ralentissements étaient répertoriés le samedi à la même heure. L’an dernier, le pic avait été atteint à midi. Il était de 1 091,6 km. La décrue de la courbe des bouchons a été enclenchée en début d’après-midi. À 13h30, il restait un peu moins de 500 km de ralentissements dans tout le pays. Aux alentours de 16h25, le total restait

British ‘idlers’: how a 2012 attack on UK’s work ethic could haunt Liz Truss - The Guardian

I n an awkward moment during the first televised head-to-head Tory leadership debate, Liz Truss was challenged about a passage in the book Britannia Unchained , which she co-authored in 2012 when she was a new intake backbencher seeking to make her mark as a next-generation Thatcherite. The passage in question is infamous, reading as it does: “Once they enter the workplace, the British are among the worst idlers in the world. We work among the lowest hours, we retire early and our productivity is poor. Whereas Indian children aspire to be doctors or businessmen, the British are more interested in football and pop music.” To be on the side of hardworking British people has long been safe Tory territory. To assert that such people do not exist was a risky proposition. The passage, leaked by an eager publicist before the book’s full publication, won the authors – Truss, Dominic Raab, Kwasi Kwarteng, Priti Patel and Chris Skidmore – the kind of attention that ambitious backbenchers crav

After a Long Dry Spell, Bihar to Enjoy Very Heavy Rains This Weekend; IMD Issues Orange Alert - The Weather Channel

Representational Image (Ram Moorthy P/BCCL) Saturday, July 30 : With Bihar recording a rainfall deficit of over 40% since June, it would be an understatement to say that the monsoons haven't indulged the East Indian state. This poor performance by the monsoon has impacted the state's agriculture severely, rendering farmers hopeless. However, the stars — or in this case, the clouds — seem to be aligning in Bihar's favour, and it is expected to receive a fresh bout of rain starting today. With luck, these downpours will help kick-start the Kharif crop cultivation in the state. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has forecast the following weather activity over Bihar: Isolated heavy rains from Saturday to Wednesday, July 30 to August 3 Isolated very heavy rainfall on the weekend (July 30, 31) Scattered to fairly widespread light to moderate rainfall for the next 4-5 days Accordingly, the IMD has placed an orange alert over the state until Sunday s

PM Modi says many states owe over ₹1 lakh cr to power firms, makes an appeal - Hindustan Times

The losses in the distribution sector in India are in double digits, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Saturday, stressing that the figure is in "single digits" in developed nations. "This means that we have a lot of wastage of electricity and therefore we have to generate more electricity than we need to meet the demand," the prime minister stressed. In many states, the dues to power sector firms have even passed the ₹ 1 lakh crore mark, he underlined. "The country will be surprised to know that different states have outstanding dues of more than ₹ 1 lakh crore. They have to give this money to power generation firms. Power distribution companies have more than ₹ 60 thousand crore to many government departments, local bodies also, in dues," PM Modi said. Arrears worth more than ₹ 75,000 crore are also stuck, PM Modi highlighted, underlining that the power firms were "not able to get even the money that has been committed for subsidy on electrici

LIVE Cordon in place with large police presence after shooting in Manchester - updates - Manchester Evening News

A major police presence remains in place in Moss Side this morning following a late-night shooting. Officers swarmed on Quinney Crescent late on Friday evening following reports of the gunshots. It has not yet been confirmed whether anyone has been hurt in the incident. A large cordon was put in place in the area at the junction with Great Western Street, with dozens of officers - including armed police - stationed at the scene overnight. READ MORE: Woman's horror injuries and blood-spattered walls after ex brutally attacked her In a statement issued in the early hours of Saturday, a GMP spokesman said: "Police are currently responding to a reported firearms discharge on Quinney Crescent, Manchester. The scene on Quinney Crescent on Saturday morning (Image: Adam Vaughan) "Road closures are in place. Members of the public are asked to avoid the area. "Anyone with information should contact GMP quoting 3388 29/07/22. Information can also be shared anon

The most dramatic reader photos of the Keremeos Creek wildfire - Penticton News -

Photos: wildfire near Apex Photo: Kate Harper~McGregor Click here to view gallery Crews with the BC Wildfire Service are rushing to deal with a new blaze burning southeast of Apex Mountain. The 100-hectare Keremeos Creek fire is showing “aggressive” behaviour and is being attacked from the ground and sky. The Apex Fire Brigade says the community is not being threatened at this time. These are some of the most dramatic reader-submitted photos of the fire. Send your photos and video to [email protected] Read the full article here

Pouvoir d'achat : loyers, retraites, allocations… que contient le projet de loi d'"urgence" adopté par le Séna - Midi Libre

Le Sénat a adopté en première lecture le projet de loi en faveur du pouvoir d'achat. Plusieurs mesures d'"urgence" ont été adoptées pour tenter de contrer les effets de l'inflation sur les ménages français.  Le projet de loi d'"urgence" sur le pouvoir d'achat vient d'être adopté par les sénateurs ce vendredi 29 juillet. De premières mesures qui ont pour but de limiter les effets de l'inflation et de la crise énergétique sur les Français. Le texte a été adopté grâce aux votes des groupes LR, centristes et RDPI (majorité présidentielle), rapporte l'AFP citée par plusieurs médias .  Lundi, sénateurs et députés seront réunis en commission mixte paritaire pour tenter de trouver un accord sur une version commune du texte. Le gouvernement souhaite une adoption avant le 7 août. Les parlementaires devront notamment trancher la question globale du budget alloué aux mesures. La première version du projet est calibrée à 20,7 milliards par le g

Ready for encounters, will go ahead of UP: Karnataka minister - The Indian Express

A DAY after Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai said he was ready to adopt the “Yogi model” to deal with “anti-national and communal elements”, his higher education minister, Dr C N Ashwathnarayan, said on Friday that the state government would “go five steps ahead of Uttar Pradesh” and was “ready to even carry out encounters”. “We are ready to send shivers,” he warned. The BJP government and party leaders in Karnataka are facing a backlash from the party cadre following the killing of a Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM) worker, Praveen Nettaru (32), who was hacked to death in the communally sensitive Dakshina Kannada district on Tuesday night. “The patience of the people is being tested by provocations. This is why our Chief Minister has said that such criminals and murderers will be dealt with mercilessly. We are even ready to carry out encounters, our Chief Minister has said in the government,” Ashwathnarayan, former Deputy CM of the state, told reporters in Ramanagara

Boston: Two arrested after death of girl, 9, in suspected stabbing - BBC

Two people have been arrested after a nine-year-old girl died in a suspected stabbing in Lincolnshire. Police began a murder investigation after being called to Fountains Lane in Boston at about 18:20 BST on Thursday. Speaking on Friday morning, Ch Supt Kate Anderson, from Lincolnshire Police, said the force believed it was an "isolated incident". She said detectives were following "extensive lines of inquiry" with a "large number" of resources. "You will see more officers patrolling the area and we have a high number of specialist detectives who have been brought in to assist the investigation." The force said it was not in a position to name the victim, although her family were being supported by specially-trained officers at this "very difficult time". Ch Supt Anderson also declined to comment on whether those arrested were adults or juveniles, and would not confirm what offence they were detained on suspicion of.

35 heures hebdomadaires dans les collectivités : le Conseil constitutionnel donne raison au gouvernement - Le Figaro

L'objectif d'«harmonisation» du temps de travail dans la fonction publique territoriale poursuit «un objectif d'intérêt général», estime le Conseil constitutionnel dans sa décision. Les collectivités territoriales doivent-elles obligatoirement faire travailler leurs salariés 35 heures par semaine ? Le Conseil constitutionnel s'est penché sur cette question et a jugé vendredi conformes à la Constitution les dispositions d'une loi de 2019 qui imposent 35 heures hebdomadaires de travail dans les collectivités. Une victoire pour le gouvernement face aux collectivités du Val-de-Marne qui avaient sollicité le régulateur. Les maires communistes de plusieurs communes avaient en effet déposé une question prioritaire de constitutionnalité (QPC) à ce sujet, après avoir été assignés par la préfète du département à faire appliquer la loi sur les 35 heures. L'objectif d'« harmonisation » du temps de travail dans la fonction publique territoriale poursuit « un objectif

Angry Sonia Gandhi of 2004 is Back. Will Cong Strategy of Lone Woman Against BJP Behemoth Work in 2024? - News18

In 2004, Sonia Gandhi ensured a spectacular win for the Congress and also wove an alliance, with the party projecting her as a woman taking on the mighty men of the BJP — especially a stalwart and ace politician like Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The more the BJP attacked her on her Italian origins and some made personal comments on her, the more Sonia Gandhi was determined to play the lone woman card against the BJP. And it worked. Cut to 2022, Sonia Gandhi is angry again and it’s once again a lone woman against the BJP strategy. Just a day after the “embarrassment” Congress faced over Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury’s ‘Rashtrapatni’ comment, which got the BJP up in arms, the Grand Old Party has changed tracks. This, according to sources, is a clear thought-out strategy. It began with Chowdhury himself saying that the BJP was targeting a woman who had given the Women’s Reservation Bill to the country. Then, Mallikarjun Kharge moved a notice in Rajya Sabha objecting to the ‘treatment meted out to So

Commonwealth Games: West Midlands Police has 'had to make sacrifices' - BBC

West Midlands Police has had to make sacrifices to deliver the Birmingham Commonwealth Games but can still be depended on by victims of crime, the force's boss says. Up to 3,000 officers will be working the Games, leaving some people concerned regular policing will suffer. A car-jacking victim told the BBC she felt let down by police pressures. But Chief Constable Sir David Thompson said support had been drafted in for the Games from other police forces. "We've got police officers all the way from Jersey to Scotland here," he said. "We're working together as a region on the operation and we're supported by national colleagues. "We certainly have had to make some sacrifices to make sure it's a successful Games," he added, saying: "We're restricted leave, our officers are not going to have anywhere near the amount of days off and they're also working longer hours." The Games officially open on Thursday even

‘You stabbed Johnson in the back’: Rishi Sunak accused of betraying PM at first Tory leadership hustings - The Independent

Hérault: ce que l'on sait du pompier volontaire qui a reconnu être à l'origine de plusieurs feux - BFMTV

Âgé de 36 ans et élu de son village, l'homme était pompier volontaire depuis une vingtaine d'années. Il serait à l'origine de plusieurs départs de feu survenus dans l'Hérault depuis trois ans. Un pompier volontaire pyromane. Un suspect interpellé cette semaine a reconnu jeudi avoir déclenché plusieurs feux dans l'Hérault ces dernières semaines . Il a notamment déclaré avoir déclenché les feux du 22 mai 2022 sur la commune de Saint-Privat, du 21 juillet sur un chemin de terre menant à Saint-Jean-de-la-Blaquière et être à l'origine des 4 départs de feu de la nuit du 26 au 27 juillet sur la commune de Saint-Jean-de-la-Blaquière . · Que lui est-il reproché? Interpellé dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi, ce pompier volontaire a reconnu lors de sa garde à vue être à l'origine de plusieurs départs de feu survenus ces trois dernières années dans l'Hérault. Parmi eux, huit ont été déclenchés ces deux derniers mois et le plus récent remonte au début de la semaine