
Showing posts from August, 2022

Incendie de 19 bus près de Toulouse : l'inquiétant profil du pyromane présumé -

l'essentiel Les gendarmes de la brigade de recherches soupçonnent un homme d'être l'auteur d'un incendie à l'entrepôt Verbus, le 20 août à Labarthe-sur-Lèze, au sud de Toulouse. Les dégâts sont colossaux, le préjudice est estimé à plus de trois millions d'euros. C'est un homme au profil très particulier. Ce trentenaire soupçonné d'avoir participé à un plusieurs incendies ces deux dernières années en Haute-Garonne se trouve actuellement dans les locaux de la gendarmerie de Muret. Pour le faire passer aux aveux, les militaires sont aidés par un spécialiste en science comportementale de l'Institut de recherche criminelle de la Gendarmerie nationale (IRCGN).  Cet individu de 30 ans était présent à proximité du site Verbus, à Labarthe-sur-Lèze, le 20 août. Ce jour-là, 19 autocars ont été brûlés pour un préjudice estimé de plusieurs millions d'euros. Le suspect aurait lui-même alerté les secours avant de se porter volontaire pour éteindre une parti

INFO EUROPE 1 - Iquioussen : le Maroc suspend le laissez-passer consulaire permettant son expulsion - Europe 1

Service PJ d'Europe 1 15h24, le 31 août 2022 , modifié à 17h38, le 31 août 2022 INFO EUROPE 1 Le Maroc a suspendu hier soir, essentiellement pour des raisons de politique intérieure, le laissez-passer consulaire permettant son expulsion. Europe 1 a appris l’information auprès de plusieurs sources à Rabat. Conséquences : s’il est arrêté, Iquioussen ne peut plus être expulsé pour le moment, même si selon plusieurs sources policières françaises, les discussions se poursuivent entre la France et le Maroc. Le laissez-passer consulaire, sésame indispensable pour expulser un étranger en situation irrégulière, a été délivré le 1er août 2022. Il a une validité de 60 jours. Une expulsion qui ne pourra pas être immédiate Si le prédicateur est interpellé en France ou s’il est remis aux autorités françaises, il ne pourra pas être expulsé pour le moment. Concrètement, dès son interpellation, l’imam sera placé en Centre de rétention administrative, pendant une durée de 90 jours maximum. Un

Military probe of reported torture videos still silent after more than a year - CBC News

More than 14 months after launching an investigation, Canada's military police have yet to report on what — if anything — Canadian commanders did after being confronted by videos showing alleged atrocities involving Iraqi police being trained as part of a multinational program. The slow pace of the investigation troubles the federal New Democrats — while a prominent human rights lawyer says the Department of National Defence (DND) has a history of downplaying or even ignoring acts of torture committed by allies. In the spring of 2021, Postmedia reported that Canadian soldiers were shown videos of possible war crimes shot by their Iraqi students in 2018, soon after arriving at a U.S.-led training base near Mosul, the country's second-largest city. Mosul had been liberated recently from the grip of Islamic State extremists. The videos allegedly showed Iraqi security forces raping a woman to death, along with multiple gruesome images of Islamic State prisoners being tortured an

Pak Minister On Flood Aid From India: Government Will Consult Allies - NDTV

Pakistan Floods: The rain-triggered flash floods have inundated one third of Pakistan (AFP) Islamabad: Pakistan's Finance Minister Miftah Ismail said on Wednesday the government will consider importing goods from India after consulting its coalition partners and key stakeholders, as the cash-strapped nation seeks to stablise soaring food prices triggered by flash floods that have wrought havoc across the country. The idea to import edible goods from India was first floated by the finance minister on Monday, when the country's casualties crossed 1,100 and hundreds of thousands of people were displaced, and thousands of acres of crops were destroyed. "More than one international agency has approached the govt to allow them to bring food items from India through the land border. The govt will take the decision to allow imports or not based on supply shortage position, after consulting its coalition partners & key stakeholders," Ismail said in a tweet. Meanwh

PM To Reveal New Naval Flag On Friday, "Doing Away With Colonial Past" - NDTV

PM Modi will reveal the new design Friday in Kerala. New Delhi: India will unfurl a new naval flag that retires a British colonial symbol to mark the formal debut of the country's first locally built aircraft carrier, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's office said. The current ensign features a prominent cross of Saint George, the national flag of England and a legacy from India's nine decades as a crown dependency, which ended with independence in 1947. PM Modi will reveal the new design Friday in Kerala at the commissioning of the Vikrant, which his office touted as "a significant step" for military self-reliance. "During the event, the PM will also unveil the new naval ensign, doing away with the colonial past and befitting the rich Indian maritime heritage," his office said in a statement on Tuesday. The Saint George cross has been a feature of the naval ensign since 1928, except for a brief spell between 2001 and 2004, when the BJP government

TEMOIGNAGES. "Je n'ai plus peur des camions, je n'ai plus peur du noir" : six ans après l'attentat de Nice, les enfants du 14-Juillet meurtris mais vivants - franceinfo

Il est 22h57, ce soir du 14 juillet 2016. Anne Gourvès court en direction de la Promenade des Anglais. Elle tient ses tongs à la main, et remonte à contre-courant d'une marée humaine. Anne Gourvès cherche sa fille, Amie. Vingt-quatre minutes plus tôt, à 22h33, le Samu de Nice a reçu un appel. Le premier d'une longue soirée. Le premier à annoncer la présence de plusieurs blessés sur la "Prom'" à cause d'un camion. Un premier appel dont voici un extrait, tiré d'un podcast en cinq épisodes : "Attentat de Nice, les enfants du 14-Juillet" . Amie, 12 ans, "toute contente" , était invitée à dormir "pour la première fois" chez sa meilleure amie Sherine. C'est avec elle qu'elle se rend au feu d'artifice du 14-Juillet, pendant qu'Anne et le reste de la famille y assistent depuis les hauteurs de Nice. L'air est doux, l'ambiance sur la Promenade des Anglais est festive. À 22h22, le feu d'artifice se termine.

Winning the Perception Battle? Nitish Kumar Removes Bihar Law Minister Under Scanner in Kidnapping Case - News18

In the first move against the perception that strongmen and lawlessness have returned to Bihar under the new RJD-JDU regime, the Nitish Kumar government on Wednesday removed Kartik Kumar as the law minister and allotted him the low-profile sugarcane department. Kumar is an MLC from Lalu Prasad’s party RJD. This comes just a day before Kartik Kumar is expected to appear in court in a kidnapping case with his interim protection from court against any coercive action ending on September 1. It seems the Nitish Kumar government was wary of humiliation if the court made any adverse comment against Kartik Kumar on September 1 and wanted to avoid the bad optics of the state law minister appearing before the court in a kidnapping matter. Kartik Kumar was incidentally earlier backed by RJD supremo Lalu Prasad when the allegations against him broke out a fortnight ago. Lalu had said then that the allegations were wrong. However, the chief minister decided to go ahead with his decision to remov

Highway 1 west of Kamloops closed after vehicle incident on Tuesday - Kamloops News -

Hwy 1 closed after crash Photo: DriveBC Highway 1 is closed in both directions west of Kamloops due to a crash that happened in Cherry Creek, according to DriveBC. Highway 1 west of Kamloops is closed in both directions after a crash on Tuesday evening. According to DriveBC, the vehicle incident happened along the Trans-Canada Highway near Deer Drive, which is in the Cherry Creek area. DriveBC said crews are heading to the crash. Motorists are advised to drive with caution in the area and to expect major delays. Castanet Kamloops has reached out to RCMP for more information on the crash. This story will be updated as more information becomes available. Read the full article here

Breaking: Supreme Court Orders Status Quo, Halts Karnataka Govts Move To Allow Ganesh Chaturthi... - Live Law - Indian Legal News

The Supreme Court on Tuesday ordered status quo with respect to land use of Idgah Maidan in Bengaluru's Chamarajpet, in effect putting in abeyance the move of Karnataka Government to allow Ganesh Chaturthi festivals at the land. " For 200 years it was not done, you also admit, so why not status quo, for 200 years whatever was not held, let it be, " the bench comprising Justices Indira Banerjee, AS Oka, and MM Sundresh orally remarked. The bench orally said that the the pooja be held somewhere else. The order passed by the bench stated as follows : "The writ petition is pending before the Single Bench of High Court and has been fixed for hearing on 23.09.2022. All questions/issues may be agitated in the High Court. In the meanwhile, status quo, as of date, with regard to the land in question shall be maintained by both the parties. The special leave petitions are, accordingly, disposed of" The matter was heard by a 3-Judge following "difference of o

Vers des coupures de gaz et d'électricité et des baisses de tension durant l'hiver? - BFM Business

Un Conseil de défense aura lieu vendredi sur les différents scénarios envisagés pour cet hiver. Des coupures pourraient avoir lieu. A quatre mois du début de l'hiver, le gouvernement se prépare. Emmanuel Macron présidera un Conseil de défense vendredi matin consacré à l'approvisionnement en gaz et en électricité pour cet hiver. Il est pour l'instant difficile d'anticiper quelle sera la consommation d'énergie cet hiver en France, car personne ne sait s'il sera rude ou non. Les prévisions de Météo France interviendront fin septembre. La France s'est bien préparée sur le volet du gaz mais l'électricité pose davantage de problème. Sur les 51 réacteurs nucléaires, 32 sont aujourd'hui à l'arrêt, soit plus de la moitié. L'objectif est de les remettre très rapidement en route, car la France, auparavant autosuffisante en électricité, est désormais obligée d'en importer. "Pour un hiver normal, nous avons suffisamment de gaz en quantité. E

Manish Sisodia At Bank, CBI To Check Locker In Alleged Corruption Case - NDTV

New Delhi: Delhi's Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia reached a Ghaziabad bank today for the Central Bureau of Investigation's (CBI) search of his locker in connection with its probe into alleged irregularities in the capital's now-withdrawn liquor policy.  Mr Sisodia, whose home was raided nearly two weeks ago, had said yesterday that "nothing will be found" in his locker. "Tomorrow, CBI will raid our bank locker. Nothing was found in the 14-hour raid at my house on August 19. Nothing will be found in the locker either. Welcome to CBI. My family and I will fully cooperate in the investigation," he tweeted in Hindi yesterday. Mr Sisodia, who also handles Delhi government's excise portfolio, is among the 15 accused named in the FIR filed by the CBI in the liquor policy case. The CBI has contended that the new policy was introduced without the permission of Delhi's then Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal. It also says many ineligible vendors wer

Agressée par trois hommes, une octogénaire poignarde l'un des assaillants dans le Val-de-Marne - Midi Libre

Alors que son mari venait d'être jeté au sol par trois hommes, une octogénaire a sorti un couteau et blessé gravement l'un des agresseurs.  L'agression s'est retournée contre ses auteurs, ce dimanche 28 août au soir dans le Val-de-Marne. Selon Le Figaro , un couple de personnes âgées qui se promenait en bord de Seine en début de soirée, à Choisy-le-Roi, a été victime d'une tentative de vol par trois individus. La mamie sort un couteau Le mari, un octogénaire, a été jeté au sol par l'un des agresseurs qui lui a asséné une série de coups de pied. Pour le défendre, sa femme va alors sortir un petit couteau de type Opinel accroché à son porte-clé et porter plusieurs coups à l'assaillant. Une riposte qui va prendre de court ses deux comparses, qui prennent alors la fuite. L'agresseur finit dans un état grave Des témoins de la scène vont rapidement porter secours au couple. À l'arrivée des secours, les pompiers ont découvert l'homme atteint par l

Toulouse : un homme violemment frappé puis écrasé par deux hommes à scooter - Le Parisien

Une vidéo insoutenable d’agression circulait ce lundi sur les réseaux sociaux. Elle montre un homme violemment roué de coups puis écrasé par deux hommes à scooter. La scène aurait eu lieu dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi dans le centre-ville de Toulouse, selon La Dépêche . Des témoins ont raconté au quotidien régional que la victime, un trentenaire, aurait fait une réflexion aux deux hommes à scooter qui roulaient dangereusement. Ces derniers l’auraient alors pris en chasse, puis roués de coups pendant quelques minutes. La suite est visible sur cette vidéo, qui semble avoir été prise par une caméra de vidéosurveillance : le jeune homme finit par s’écrouler après avoir reçu un violent coup de casque à la figure. « Ils ont continué à le massacrer quand il était au sol. L’un des assaillants visait même la tête, c’était tellement sauvage », a raconté une témoin. Sur la vidéo, on aperçoit les agresseurs remonter sur leur scooter et repartir en roulant délibérément sur le corps,

Gard : Un homme dans un état grave après avoir été percuté par un taureau - 20 Minutes

Un homme âgé de 63 ans est dans un état grave après avoir été percuté par un taureau au cours du week-end. L’accident s’est déroulé lors d’un abrivado à Saint-Gilles, une commune du Gard située à une vingtaine de kilomètres de Nîmes , qui célèbre régulièrement les traditions taurines et camarguaises. L’abrivado consiste à lâcher des taureaux dans les rues fermées de communes. La victime a été renversée par l’animal. Sa tête a heurté un trottoir. Lors de son transfert au CHU de Nîmes, son pronostic vital était engagé. Il a été placé dans un coma artificiel. Read the full article here

Ricco Bambino closing, selling off stock - Kelowna News -

Ricco Bambino closing Photo: Instagram An Instagram post notes Ricco Bambino will be closing its doors on Sept. 4, 2022. A year after taking a stand and refusing to enforce BC’s vaccine passport, a Kelowna urban winery is going out of business. In an Instagram post , the owner of Ricco Bambino says he has decided to permanently close the establishment and September 4 is the last day the winery and bar will be open to the public. The property at 101-1630 Pandosy Street has been listed for sale for $949,900, including all fixtures. The Instagram post goes on to thank everyone who supported the business over the past four years, and asks patrons to continue to support Ricco Bambino’s by buying wine online. In August of 2021, owner Jason Alton told Castanet that he would be refusing to comply with the government's orders to enforce the vaccine passport. “I will not ask my staff, I can’t put them in harm's way. I can not be part of anything that is going to cause a furt

Barrie reeling after six young adults killed in single-vehicle collision - CP24

Flags at Barrie City Hall have been lowered to half-mast after six young adults from the community were killed in a single-vehicle collision. Barrie police discovered the crash scene Sunday at 2 a.m. near McKay Road and Veteran’s Drive, which is between County Road 27 and Highway 400. That stretch of road is currently an active construction site and the intersection in question has been closed since the spring, the city confirmed. A makeshift memorial has started to form near the scene of the collision as grieving community members drop off flowers and other mementos. The victims – four men and two women – are all in their early 20s, Jennett Mays, Barrie Police Services’ communications coordinator, told CTV News. They are believed to be the same group of people who had gone to a nearby casino together on Friday evening and were reported missing the following day after friends lost contact with them. While Barrie police have not released the names of those who died, details about t

Exclusive | 'Whoever Becomes Cong Chief Will Have to be Rahul Gandhi's Slave, Carry Files': Ghulam Nabi Aza - News18

Ghulam Nabi Azad’s explosion, on a day when it finalized the schedule for the party’s presidential polls, has rattled the Congress. After much delay, the polls will now be held on October 17. The Congress hit back at the veteran leader, saying he revolted only because he wanted a Rajya Sabha seat and wanted to retain the bungalow in South Avenue, in the heart of the national capital. Azad, who is now working on his tell-all autobiography, told “Around 90% of the Congress is not Congressi. Some are picked up from colleges, some clerks of the CM have been given positions. I can’t argue with people who have no idea of their own history. I wrote a letter as the Leader of Opposition to Mrs Gandhi even before the G-23. What did they do? They told me to coordinate with KC Venugopal. I told them he was in school when I was the general secretary. Then someone from the family said then speak to Randeep Surjewala. I told them, by the way, when I was the general secretary, Randeep’

"Rahul Gandhi A Nice Man, But Doesn't Have Aptitude For Politics": GN Azad - NDTV

New Delhi: Ghulam Nabi Azad, who quit the Congress last week with a trenchant critique of Rahul Gandhi's "childish behaviour and immaturity", said today that he is a "nice man" but has no aptitude for politics. The veteran leader also slammed what he called "Rahul Gandhi's policy of attacking Prime Minister Narendra Modi left, right and centre." Mr Azad, 73, also ruled out joining the BJP, confirming reports that he wants to launch his own party in Jammu and Kashmir. In an exclusive interview with NDTV, Mr Azad said the Congress Working Committee (CWC) - the party's powerful decision-making body - had become "meaningless" today and the consultative process that thrived under Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi had been demolished. "Earlier there were only CWC members. In the last 10 years, there have been 25 CWC members and 50 special invitees. Sonia Gandhi, let us be fair, between 1998 and 2004, was totally consulting senior lea

Hijab row: Supreme Court issues notice to Karnataka govt over plea challenging HC's order - The Indian Express

The Supreme Court on Monday issued notice to the Karnataka government over a plea challenging the High Court’s order upholding a ban on hijab in educational institutions of the state. A bench of Justices Hemant Gupta and Sudhanshu Dhulia refused the request for adjournment by some appellants, saying it won’t allow “forum shopping”. The next hearing in the matter was posted for September 5. Several petitions have been filed in the apex court against the Karnataka High Court verdict holding that wearing of hijab is not a part of the essential religious practice which can be protected under Article 25 of the Constitution. The High Court had dismissed a batch of petitions filed by Muslim girls studying in pre-university colleges in Udupi seeking the right to wear hijabs in classrooms. Subscriber Only Stories Read the full article here

Bihar’s ruling alliance calls for withdrawing CBI general consent - Hindustan Times

Leaders of the ruling alliance in Bihar on Sunday called for withdrawing the general consent to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), alleging that the agency was being used by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government at the Centre for political purposes. According to Section 6 of the Delhi Special Police Establishment (DSPE) Act, 1946, the CBI needs consent from the respective state governments for conducting investigations in their jurisdictions. Nine states, including West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Punjab and Meghalaya, have withdrawn general consent for the CBI to probe cases in their jurisdiction. Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Shivanand Tiwari told PTI that the way the central agencies are being misused to target the BJP’s political rivals, the grand alliance government in Bihar must take back the consent given to CBI. “Besides, option should also be explored by the state government to approach the judiciary to check the misuse of central agencies,” he s

After Himanta's ‘London-Paris’, ‘invitation’ to Sisodia dig, Kejriwal responds - Hindustan Times

Assam chief minister Himanta Biswa Sarma and his Delhi counterpart Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday engaged in another round of verbal duels on Twitter, with the former claiming that the AAP chief was “comparing the national capital with smaller cities” after failing to fulfil his promise of turning national capital into London or Paris. Kejriwal, however, responded saying Assam will see development like Delhi if the AAP forms a government in the northeastern state. Sarma and Kejriwal had been engaging in verbal tussle over the last few days, each of them asking the other to visit their state and witness the development work undertaken there. The spat started after Kejriwal, in response to a news item that claimed the Assam government closed 34 schools due to poor results, said shutting down the institutes was no solution. Sarma, taking a dig at the Delhi CM, also pointed out that his counterpart has "expressed his desire to visit Assam" only now, not when the state going through

Savarkar Flew Out Of Jail On Birds: Karnataka Book For Class 8 Students - NDTV

"Bulbul birds used to visit the room, and Savarkar used to sit on their wings and fly out," it said. Bengaluru: A fresh controversy has erupted in Karnataka over charges of "rewriting history" by the BJP-led government as the textbook revision committee has reportedly inserted a section on Vinayak Damodar Savarkar in the revised high school curriculum in the state. The class 8 Kannada textbook says Mr Savarkar used to sit on the wings of a bird and fly out to visit the homeland while he was imprisoned in the Andaman jail. "There was not even a keyhole in the cell where Savarkar was incarcerated. But, Bulbul birds used to visit the room, and Savarkar used to sit on their wings and fly out and visit the motherland every day," a passage in the new textbook says. Mr Savarkar's role in the Indian freedom struggle has been a big ideological flashpoint between the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, or RSS -- the ideological mentor of the BJP -- and riv